How do Bayern Munich players build muscle so quickly? | Oh My Goal

Bayern Munich impressed Europe and even the whole world by the physical condition of its players post-lockdown. But why did all Bayern players come back physically transformed from the Covid-19 lockdown? Find out the answer in this video.

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37 comentarios en «How do Bayern Munich players build muscle so quickly? | Oh My Goal»

  1. Steroids plain and simple, its impossible to get that much muscle naturally in just a few months, if he was a noobie and only did bodybuilding + had the best muscle building genetics then maybe but an athlete who has being training for over a decade with weights and whose main goal isn’t bodybuilding just impossible natural athletes plateau and need steroids to increase size

  2. I’m sorry to burst anyone’s bubble but there not natural they couldn’t to gain so much muscle in a short period of time it’s very difficult of course they worker out and had good diets but to build muscle like that ain’t possible naturally in such a short time . Lance Armstrong literally fooled the world thinking he was natural until it finally came out he was doping for the last 7 years of his career where he won 7 tittles straight. If you see the movie there are ways to fool drug testing and blood work and if you don’t believe do some research for yourself read articles player from every sport dope like it or not . Don’t just take there word ,think for yourself .

  3. Bayern are not just about money. They have legends in the administration. They have the brains to have the right people in the right places. They have Rummenigge, Kahn, Flick and Dr. Broich. They are a complete unit- an well-oiled machine. They plan and strategise everything systematically. They know how to spend their money.

  4. Hey you, yes you. No matter what happened or whats going to happen you will always be you and no one can tell you different, never give up on your dreams cause one day they will come true and then you`ll be happy you tried.

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