¿Por qué el Bayern de Múnich nunca amó realmente a Robert Lewandowski?

Prueba The Athletic GRATIS durante 30 días: Robert Lewandowski marcó goles, muchos goles, para el Bayern de Múnich. Rompió récords, muchos récords. Pero hizo poco más. No logró hacerse querer emocionalmente por sus compañeros de equipo, los fanáticos o el propio Bayern Munich. Raphael Honigstein escribe cómo, aunque Lewandowski fue uno de los mejores delanteros de la Bundesliga, el Bayern de Múnich nunca lo amó realmente. Ilustrado por Marco Bevilacqua. Siga a Tifo Football: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: Escuche el podcast de Tifo Football: The Athletic UK: Apple Podcasts: Spotify: Vea más Tifo Football: Tácticas explicadas: Finanzas y leyes: Tifo Football Podcast: Videos más recientes: 1 Videos populares: Acerca de Tifo Football: Tifo ama el fútbol. Creamos desgloses tácticos, históricos y geopolíticos detallados del hermoso juego. Sabemos que existe un apetito por el contenido reflexivo e inteligente. Para cosas que hacen simple lo complicado. Brindamos análisis sobre la Premier League, Champions League, La Liga, Serie A, Bundesliga, World Cup y más. Nuestros podcasts entrevistan a algunas de las principales figuras del juego. Y nuestro editorial cubre el fútbol con profundidad y perspicacia. Fundada en 2017 y se convirtió en parte de The Athletic en 2020. Para consultas comerciales, comuníquese con tifo@theathletic.com. Música procedente de epidemiasound.com Material adicional procedente de freestockfootagearchive.com #Bayern #Munich #FCB

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37 comentarios en «¿Por qué el Bayern de Múnich nunca amó realmente a Robert Lewandowski?»

  1. I think you interpret way too much into this. The only reason he left in my opinion was that he did not win the Ballon d'Or. He realised that with Bayern's dominance in the Bundesliga his efforts would not be taken into account the same way a similiar performance in a different league would be. He wants to win the Ballon d'Or and he can't do that with Bayern as the Bundesliga is seen as inferior by journalists around the globe.

  2. This video is completely biased. Lewa is a Pole and as such his acceptance in Bavaria was always challenging. Gerd Muller was very selfish and obsessed with goals. The Kaiser had a huge ego. These were never issues. Nor was Arjen Robben’s demeanor when things didn’t go his way. What Lewa wanted was also recognition from the club of his value.

  3. Lewi should have gone anywhere else than Bayern. Dordmund fans hate him. For Bayern he pretty much was a mercenary. Not German either. And now hes a traitor too. Club ain't family but there r ethics. Leaving for free and hurting fans who loved him. Loyalty matters too

  4. As a Bayern fan I mostly agree with this analysis. All the drama around his persona has left a bitter taste. The way he left was unforgivable and diminishes his achievements. He played a crucial role, when he was at Bayern but he will never be a club legend like the ones mentioned as well as Schweinsteiger, Müller, Neuer and others of his era.

  5. So let me boil down this video to a sentence, he is not emotional enough, and too practical to be considered a team or crowd favorite, but damn he can help a team by scoring in bunches. I take the machine over human bonding to win any day.

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