Oficinas del Bayern de Múnich allanadas por la policía 😳 Por qué los hinchas del Bayern no deben entrar en pánico | FC ESPN

Gab Marcotti y Julien Laurens explican el motivo por el que la policía alemana allanó las oficinas del Bayern de Múnich, como parte de una investigación sobre Alisher Usmanov. Suscríbase a ESPN UK: siga a ESPN UK en múltiples plataformas:

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12 comentarios en «Oficinas del Bayern de Múnich allanadas por la policía 😳 Por qué los hinchas del Bayern no deben entrar en pánico | FC ESPN»

  1. The way europeans especially the UK treat rich Russians is a disgrace. They invested in your economy only for you to turn around and confiscate their wealth bcos they were friends with putin in the past.

  2. Countries with Socialism/communist are mega corrupted .Smuggling humanoids from everywhere to give them billions in free houses and benefits while local people are dying at hospitals shud be punished with death .
    German football will eventually collapse ..their national team once great is now a mismatch with nationalities.

  3. Clearly gab doesn’t understand how and why the rich evade taxes and why they even seek to become .. said rich tax evading profiteering crooks and more 🙂 gab stop talking about money you clueless muppet wage slave

  4. I love how easy they’re talking about when we all know how many people are being exonerated and these guys in football are clearly partially responsible. Scary stuff. Were all supporting crazy causes. Unfortunate.

  5. Hopefully they get thrown out of the league, it could be the best thing to ever happen to the Bundesliga. Just think how competitive and topsy turvy a competition it would be without Bayern, it'd be brilliant stuff.

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