23 comentarios en «Why Hitler Hated Bayern Munich»

  1. Best German players in the premier league of all time. (Day 558)

    I will not give up until the video is made or Alfie himself tells me to stop. Everyone else telling me that will be ignored.

    If you don't believe my number, just go back to the previous videos. I'm at the bottom most of the time, but I'm there.

  2. Talk about crazy f up mindset, when they call "Isaksen" as a jew, becase of his name. If the nazis had read a book about norwegian history, the name "Isaksen" mean son of Isak. Even thoug "Isak" is a jewish name, it's got long history in Norway.

    Btw Norway would have won the tournament in 36. But because if nazi-ref against Hitlers friends Italy, they never had a chance.

    The goalkeeper for Norway in the tourmant was perhaps the best goalkeeper in the world. He played for the same club in Norway for 23 year. He played his last match for the club one year after nazis was kicked out. That's effing statement in norwegian histtory

  3. This is somewhat surprising to me because Munich was were the Nazi party was founded and were hitter’s failed coup attempt the beer hall putsch took place and the first concentration camp was In the town of Dachau which is very close to Munich but this case does show that some people were willing to make there opinions heard knowing full well the consequences of disobedience against the nazi regime

  4. Class club, always has been, always will be. We could talk about Bayern's footballing successes all day, but what matters is, club is built on a healthy foundation and it remained that way till this day. Really can't understand how somebody can hate this institution, unless you are a Dortmund or 1859+1 fan.

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